Do you have further questions regarding The Final Obstacle?

Barber Beast on the Bay - 12th and Final Beast Event to be held Sept. 6 in Erie, PA 

Click on the questions below to see the answer for your frequently asked questions. Do you have a question that we didn't answer? Contact us and we'll be glad to help answer any and all questions about the final Barber Beast on the Bay!

Why would you end such a successful event?
Will the adapted course still happen?
Was this a financial decision?
What will happen to the funds that were raised through the Beast?
Will there be another event to replace the Beast?
Is another organization going to take over Beast on the Bay?
I’ve participated in Barber Beast on the Bay for years, how can I continue supporting Barber National Institute?
What will happen to the Beast’s obstacles and event materials?
Can I still buy Beast merchandise?
How can I share my memories of the Beast?



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