
Here is everything you need to know to enjoy the Barber Beast on the Bay!

2024 online registration is closed.

[If you still would like to participate, you can register the day of the Beast, Sept. 7, 2024]

Participant Packet Volunteer Packet


Packet Pickup:

Information regarding packet pickup can be found HERE.

Day of Check-In:

All participants must check-in at Waldameer the morning of the event with VALID PHOTO ID regardless if you picked up your packet earlier in the week.
At check-in each participant will get their wristband for beer, participant number written on them, and pre-beast nutrition.

A participant number is REQUIRED before you can head to the Start Line.

  • Waldameer Park & Water World is located at 220 Peninsula Drive, Erie, PA 16505. Please make sure to get there 90 minutes before your wave time.
  • Participants age 21 and older will receive a wristband from registration at the Waldameer Picnic Groves that allows them a free beer at the conclusion of the event. Wristbands will only be distributed the day of the event and will not be in participant packets.

Day of Parking:

Free parking is available on Beast Day in the lot located at Waldameer off of the Peninsula Drive entrance. From there, participants can board shuttles to go to the start line at Beach 11. Please do not leave valuables in your car.

Course Tips:

The Beast is designed to challenge all athletic levels. If you want to run the course and hurdle every obstacle, that’s great! If you want to walk the course, picking and choosing which obstacles to do, that’s fine too!

The course will close at 3:30 p.m. this year. Our Beast Builders will begin to clear obstacles and participants are suggested to head up the Waldameer hill or shuttle back to the finish line by 4 p.m. All participlants will still recieve medals.

  • You will be exposed to the outside elements on the course and are encouraged to wear insecticide to avoid bug bites (including ticks). It’s also recommended that you wear sunscreen, gloves and proper athletic shoes!
  • Seven water stations are placed throughout the course (refer to map). The water stations are long fountains connected to a water source. Volunteers will make sure water is flowing and ready to drink as you approach.
  • Three of these seven stations double as a hydration/nutrition station. Fruit, protein bars and water will be provided. Plan ahead & bring your own nutrition bars if you have particular needs. We also will have some items at the finish line.  


ALL VOLUNTEERS WORKING ON THE COURSE—It is important to check in at least 1 hour before your scheduled shift. For OBSTACLE MONITORS, HYDRATION/NUTRITION STATIONS AND THE START LINE—report to the tent located inside the OVERFLOW PARKING Lot on the east side of Peninsula Drive (just below the Tom Ridge Center). From here, you can check in, pick up your map and continue to the park.

ALL VOLUNTEERS WORKING AT WALDAMEER— registration, bag check, finish line, parking and volunteer check-in—should report to the Volunteer Check-In pavilion at Waldameer AT LEAST 30 MINUTES BEFORE YOUR SHIFT. Please park in the Rainbow Gardens lot off of West 8th Street & Peninsula Drive. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN YOUR CAR.

Event Day Tips:

  • Dress for the weather! The Beast goes on rain or shine, so you may want to bring a rain poncho.
  • We also suggest bringing sunscreen, bug/tick spray and your own hand sanitizer.
  • We encourage you to bring a lunch and water. You will receive a bottle of water and a snack at checkin, but you may get hungry or thirsty at your post.
  • Come prepared! Know your location beforehand. Ask questions if you have any. Know your job, job description and meeting spot location. Signs will be placed along Presque Isle to help you find your zone meeting spot.
  • While you are encouraged to stand and instruct participants, you may want to bring a camp chair to sit down during breaks.




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